How To Balance Work and Parenting

Balancing work and parenting is an on-going process and it certainly isnโ€™t easy. Here are a few tips to get you through each day at a time.ย 

Be realisticย 

You CANNOT do it all: be the perfect mom,ย  perfect wife/husband and perfect employee, have a perfectly clean house, make homemade meals from scratch every night, workout every day and still have a smile on your face at 11 pm. Itโ€™s not going to happen. And the good thing? You donโ€™t have to do it all to do most things well. All the childcare and home responsibilities canโ€™t be entirely yours. Divide things up with your significant other or other family helpers.

Be organizedย 

Itโ€™s harder to get things done when you are searching through stacks of paper or donโ€™t have within reach what you need to get your job done. Take time to get organized before diving back into work. Clean your work area and make a list of goals and break them down into manageable tasks.

Be kindย 

You will constantly be giving to others โ€“ your boss, customers, your spouse, your kids — but you donโ€™t have an endless supply of energy or effort. Be sure to take care of you andย be kind to yourself.ย It may be as simple as taking a bubble bath or taking 10 minutes to enjoy a good cup of coffee โ€“ whatever you need to recharge your battery. Just make sure to build some โ€œmeโ€ time into your schedule.

Be gratefulย 

Take the time to appreciate those little parenting moments that you have with your family. You donโ€™t need a wonderful vacation to be able to enjoy family time (although that is always nice). Every day there will be moments that you can connect with your children whether that be at a meal, a bedtime story, really enjoying their hugs and kisses, etc.

Be onlineย 

If you can afford it, seeย what services can help you with everyday chores. Perhaps itโ€™s getting your groceries delivered through an online service likeย PeaPodย or online dry cleaners, etc. With just a click of theย mouse,ย you will be able to get household chores done!

Beย present

Children are resilient and what is more important than parenting 24/7 is that when you are with your children, they have your undivided attention. Remember that seeing you happy and satisfied with your life is a great teacher/motivator.

Be forgivingย 

No matter how organized or how good your intentions are, there will be days that everything seems to fall apart. These are the times that you have to be forgiving to yourself, your family and your employer.ย  Just remember that tomorrow is a new day full of opportunity.

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